When it is two days before the Feast of the Archangels, and your friend, Father Angelus, is visiting from England, and he would like to do a teaching to a group of homeschooled children, what is a mom to do?
Well, I gathered a few of our homeschool friends, planned a quick lunch after attending noon Mass celebrated Fr. Angelus, conjured up a St. Michael craft and left the talk to Father. I suggested the topic of angels would be appropriate given the Feast of the Archangels is tomorrow... and let's not forget the Feast of the Guardian Angels coming up on October 2.
Since I am not very artistically gifted, I needed a craft that did not require me drawing anything. I lean toward crafts of the paper plate variety. This is what I came up with:
Materials needed: paper plates (one per child), red and yellow tissue paper for the fires of hell, silver paper (could be aluminum foil) for the sword, white feathers, glue, copies of the Prayer to St. Michael, a little smaller than a small index card (I mounted them on colored paper), string for hanging.
First we cut the paper plates into quarters and glued two quarters together at the points, to resemble wings.
I cut the border of the plate into a semi-circle. This is what the pieces looked like:
We glued white feathers to the wings, and the red and yellow tissue paper, cut into random flame shapes, to the semi-circle and glued it to the wings.
The silver paper was cut into sword shapes and glued onto the feathers above the flames. The prayer card got a hole punched into the top and was glued to the top of the wings. String was strung through the hole and knotted so the decoration could be hung.
This is the finished product:

The children
talked about the symbolism on the decoration... feathers for the archangel Michael; colored tissue paper for the "fires of hell"; and the sword for St. Michael, defending us in battle.
Here is Fr. Angelus after talking with the children about all things angel.
A fun afternoon for all!
Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael... pray for us!