With a Humble Heart We Ask the Lord...

  • ****Updated 4/15/10****

  • For our children as they come to the end of another school year.. that they may not lose their motivation to succeed in their studies!

  • for our Church... that the mistakes of her past may continue to be corrected and learned from and that all measures may continue be taken to prevent further damage to the good work that our Church does throughout the world.

  • -for healing and comfort for the Barrett family as they continue to mourn the loss of dear Ryan

  • for success and security for Dan in his job

  • - For protection for the unborn

  • - for health of mind and body for a particular family member in my heart

  • -to guide the leadership of our country with Your wisdom and love.

  • - for all those struggling due to the problems with our nation's economy

  • -for couples struggling with infertility... that God blesses them with the babies they long for... and for the Grace they need to accept His will , whatever it may be.

  • -for all those recovering from any type of addiction... the they may be healed by the love of God and family

  • -for the health and safety of our six children... that God keeps them in His loving care and guides them in all their decisions as they grow to maturity.

  • -for a strengthening of the marriage vocation, especially my own

  • -for safety for all of our Armed forces


Moon Phases


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June 21, 2010



Happy Anniversary from one set of Volpes to another! :)

Teresa Hansen

I love this post! It is so refreshing and real, just like life!

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With a Grateful Heart We Thank the Lord

  • ****Updated 4/15/10****
  • For the birth of my newest great-niece, Jordyn.
  • -for the sacrament of confession and the grace it showers on us
  • -for the blessing of good and true friends
  • -for the beauty and truth of our beloved Catholic Church
  • -for the love of our extended family, and our parents who instilled in both of us the importance of the family bonds
  • -for our six wonderful blessings... Katie, Jessica, Ben, Rebecca, Thomas and Hannah, who add so much joy to our days
  • -for my husband, who provides,leads, instructs, guides and leads our family on our path to Heaven

Franciscan Poetry: by Dan Volpe, SFO

  • ~~~~~~~~~
  • +++CHASTITY+++
  • I'm married. Can I be chaste?
  • Desire for my spouse erased?
  • Love should move.
  • But faithfulness will prove
  • That lust by love is replaced.
  • ~~~~~~~~~
  • +++HUMILITY+++
  • Is humility lying down flat
  • On the floor by the door, like a mat?
  • I'm flawed, not floored
  • In the eyes of the Lord.
  • And He loves me in spite of that.
  • ~~~~~~~~~
  • +++ POVERTY+++
  • Should I go and buy more?
  • Pray, and ask, "What for?"
  • If reason be vain, then perhaps refrain.
  • If good, head out to the store.

Sleep is a Symptom of Caffeine Deprivation

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