Remember that song from way back in the seventies? I thought it was so corny. But now, twenty- four years into our marriage, it does have some signiificance... though it is still corny.
Twenty-four years have gone by so quickly yet so much can happen in twenty-four years. This morning, on our anniversary, I am mulling over all the things we've been through, and wondering what lies ahead. Whether good or not, all our experiences in marriage can serve to strengthen our bond if we call upon the grace of the sacrament to help us along. Here is a list of just some of our joys and challenges of the last twenty-four years...
we brought six beautiful chldren into the world
we suffered the loss of all four of our parents
we bought our first house... a real "fixer-upper"
we sold our first house
we bought our second house.. the keeper
we watched our first daughter marry and strike out on her own with her new husband
we spent the first year and a half of married life commuting to work in the city together.. and then figured out how to live with one breadwinner once we began our family
we lived through 9-11 and all the worry that entailed (and still does) when you send your huband off to work in Manhattan each morning
we traveled most of the way across the country with six kids in a van to see the Grand Canyon
we survived seeing our two oldest daughters wreck three cars between them and we only came away with a few more gray hairs
we lived through a major kitchen expansion/remodel and didn't kill each other or the contractor!
we are watching our children grow up and are reaping the benfits of bringing them up in the faith and trying to teach them to put God and family first.
we have thrown many communion, birthday, graduation and any other type of party you can imagine!
we have been blessed with many, many, good and true friends
we have witnessed each other begin the aging process... the vanishing waistlines, the addtion of new chins, the graying of hair... and yet see beyond the package and into the heart (more of a challenge for him, I think!)
we learned the value of laughter even in some of our toughest crises
we flew to Europe B.C. (before children) to visit his brother in Germany and to visit the site of alleged apparitons in Medugorje
we were so blessed to have taken that trip as we lost his brother suddenly just a few short years later
we have spent the last fifteen years trying to pass along a bit of our marriage wisdom to engaged couples in our parish's pre-cana program
we survived a period of unemployment
we got through some tight financial times ( with lots of laughter and good humor)
we discovered the importance of not taking the other for granted
we learned that the element of surprise in marriage keeps things fresh... whether a surprise getaway, a surprise gift, a surprise night out or just a surprise spontaneous walk in the evening.
we nursed each other through sickness, surgery, and childbirth recovery
we discovered that when things get tough, prayer time together is essential.
we learned that prayer time together is essential even when things are going smooth... maybe we avoided some tough times through those prayers.
we learned that following Christ's model of service is key to a happy marriage
we learned that when one partner is willing to serve in a marriage, it creates the desire in the other to serve as well... when things are going well and both are trying to outserve each other, life can be really nice!
Happy Anniversary Dan!
Happy Anniversary from one set of Volpes to another! :)
Posted by: Heather | June 21, 2010 at 09:00 PM
I love this post! It is so refreshing and real, just like life!
Posted by: Teresa Hansen | July 17, 2010 at 07:39 AM