No, I am not one of those frantic Moms, driving hither and thither to one activity after the next.
Yes, my kids do participate in outside activities... enough to keep me in the car for a fair amount of time each week.
As my children have grown, my own load has gotten easier. With two (soon 3!) of them driving, they don't need as many rides and I can designate someone else to do some of the dropping off and picking up that comes with the territory of a large family.
Leave it to my five year old, in all her wisdom, to open my eyes to the fact that I still don't take time to stop and smell the roses as much as I should... as much as I am able to with older children who don't need me around to meet their every need as in the old days.
You see, when driving home from points east of my house, I have two options of where to turn left into our neighborhood. One is slightly faster because there is no traffic light at that corner and I can make the turn pretty quickly. The other way, which runs alongside a canal with dockage, has a traffic light which is ALWAYS red when I get there. Also, the route with the traffic light takes me exactly ONE HOUSE west of my own house. So you can see the enormous amount of time I save by turning left at the first corner.
Recently, Hannah has been piping in from the back seat every time we approach home. "Mommy, turn by the boats! Turn by the boats!"
'No, Hannah," is my answer. Always. "It is faster to turn here. I don't want to sit at that red light. Stop being a backseat driver!"
She wouldn't give up. Finally in exasperation, one day I asked her. "Hannah, why do you want to sit at that red light, just to turn down that street? It doesn't make sense."
"I like to see the boats, Mommy" was her reply.
"What's the big deal about boats, Hannah? We live half a block from the water, we can see boats any time."
"When I see the boats, it makes me feel like summer, that's why!"
Oh, that summer feeling. I remember it well. It is the carefree bliss, that comes with being a child who hasn't a worry in the world. This little exchange between Hannah and me reminded me of once knowing that "summer feeling". Could driving past boats on the canal actually give me that feeling?
Well, let's just say that with or without Hannah in the backseat, Ifind myself waiting at that red light more often than ever. Adding a few seconds to my ride home actually does give me an opportunity to peek at the boats, wonder about where they've gone, where they are going. Perhaps see some mallards crossing the road to the water. It is like slowing down to smell the roses.
Where are the roses in your life that you are passing by? It could be boats on the water, it could be actual roses blooming just ouside your own front door; maybe it is the spilled juice cup that you are wiping up for the umpteenth time.. a sign of your toddler's newfound independence. Many times the moments that can cause us aggrevation, when turned on their head, can be moments to savor... like the summer feeling of boats on the water.