...That is when it comes to housework! I can't stand starting a job that is constantly interrupted. I want to have an entire day to spend cleaning my house from top to bottom and making it look like "House Beautiful". My problem is that I never, in all my twenty-two years of marriage, have had an entire day to devote to the house. I am only now coming to terms wtih that. Yes, I am a slow learner. Since I have this all-or-nothing mindset about housework, I have found that lately I am more "nothing", than "all", if you know what I mean. A typical Saturday here is one of constant dropping off and picking up from sports and activities. Coming from large families, my husband and I often have extended family commitments and celebrations to go to . Our weekends are not our own. That is OK, because these other commitments are usually good and necessary.But they do nothing to help me with my problem.
I have a friend who is one of the most active people I know of. We who are her friends find it difficult to keep up with her busy life. Yet, even when her four children were small, her home was always beautifully clean and orderly. I admit to being awed by that since I was in constant fear of an unexpected visitor seeing the disaster behind my front door! Once I learned two things about this friend, I lightened up a bit. The first thing I learned was that SHE HAS A CLEANING LADY once a week. SInce I am not in a position to hire someone, I thought I was off the hook. Upon thinking about her cleaning lady, I realized, that even if I had someone to come in and do the big stuff for me once a week, in less than a day I am fairly certain this place would be upside down once again. There is something else about my friend that has helped me understand the difference between the two of us. One day, after our Mom's prayer gorup was ending for the day this friend looked at her watch and said out loud to herself "It is 2:30, if I go home right now I'll have ten minutes 'til the bus drops the kids off. What can I do in ten minutes?"
A low-watteage light bulb flickered in my low-wattage mind for a brief instant. It is only now, several years later that I think, just maybe that bulb has brightened a bit. I have got to stop looking at my housework as this huge weekend project that is impossible for me to get to because I don't get huge amounts of time all in a row. I have to look at my life in much smaller increments... say ten minutes at a time, maybe. This thought inspired me to begin a list of tasks that can each be accomplished in ten minutes or less. I have begun to list these tasks, so that when I have a few minutes between running this one to work and that one to the doctor, it is ten minutes well-spent,not spent waiting and grumbling that I have no time. So here is my not yet completed, but still pretty long, list of ten-minute jobs. Don't try to tackle the whole list in ten minutes, just one item!
unload the dishwasher
put away the dishes in the drainer
reload the dishwashwer
shine up the sink
clean clutter off a counter
fold a basket of laundry
put away folded laundry
sweep kitchen floor
windex all mirrors on 1st floor
make my grocery list
windex all glass doors
straighten up the living room
de-clutter my desk
throw in a load of wash
throw a load of wash in drier
wipe off TV and computer monitor screens
put away items accumulated at bottom of stairs
clean off back deck
This list is not complete by any means, but it is a start. And except for one or two exceptions, I wouldn't call these jobs cleaning. Just making things look orderly and tidy. But I think that once I get used to using small snippets of time for small tasks, the deeper, and heavier cleaning will be easier to attack. If I keep this up, I will make my way to "House Beautiful" ten minutes at a time!